GLF Schools

GLF Schools

GLF Schools was founded in 2012 in order to enable the federation of Glyn School (an academy in 2011) and Danetree Junior School. Together, we began our journey to become a MAT of more than 1000 talented staff working with over 10,000 children in 40 schools across 5 regions in southern England.

Our Schools

Banbury Region

Banstead Region

Berkshire & Hampshire Region

Caterham Region

Crawley Region

Didcot Region

Epsom Region

London Boroughs

Redhill Region

Sunbury & Camberley Region

Waiting Lists

After the full number of places in Year 7 have been offered, in accordance with the Admissions procedure, a waiting list will be established according to our oversubscription categories.

After the Surrey CC's deadline to accept/decline offered places has passed, parents/carers may contact us by email to find out about waiting list positions.  Therefore, no information will be available before Monday 17 March 2025 in relation to waiting lists to join Y7 in September 2025.

Late applications will be considered in accordance with Surrey’s Coordinated Scheme and should be made direct to the Local Authority. Late applications are usually due to families moving into the area. They must be in writing and be supported by evidence of proof of address, such as a solicitor’s letter/Council Tax bill.

As part of the initial intake to the school, applicants will automatically be added to the waiting list if they have not been offered a place at one of their higher preference schools. The school will maintain a waiting list in respect of admittance into Year 7 until the end of the autumn term. At the end of this term, each Year 7 parent/carer who is on the waiting list will be contacted and asked to confirm in writing that they wish to remain on the list. For all those who do confirm in writing, then this will be for the rest of the academic year.

If a parent/carer has not put Rosebery as a preference for entry into Year 7, or if they were offered a higher preference school, then they will need to apply to their home Local Authority in accordance with the Local Authority’s Coordinated Scheme in order to be placed onto the waiting list.

The child of a member of staff who does not qualify for priority admission because the staff member joined less than two years before the application was made will have priority on the waiting list from the time when their parent has been employed at the school for two years or more.

A separate waiting list is maintained for Years 8 and 9 in line with the oversubscription criteria outlined above for Year 7 entry. In the autumn term, parents/carers on Rosebery School’s waiting list for Years 7, 8 and 9 will be contacted and asked to confirm that they wish to remain on the list (a deadline for response will be stated).

For all those who respond and confirm that they wish to remain on the list, then this will be for the rest of the academic year.

If we do not receive notification from applicants within the set timeframe, we will assume that you no longer wish to remain on our waiting list and your child’s name will be removed.

Thereafter, if you would like to re-apply for a place at Rosebery School in the future this can be done through the ‘In Year Admissions Process’ via Surrey Admissions; further details can be found on our website.  Applications for an In Year school place must be made via Surrey Local Authority HERE

Rosebery School’s waiting lists are updated via an email sent to the email address registered on the applicant’s Surrey application form.  It is, therefore, imperative that you advise the admissions team of any change to contact details to ensure any emails from Rosebery School do not go into junk/clutter email folders; failure to do so may lead to the applicant not receiving notification relating to their child’s application and our waiting lists. 

Parents/carers aer advised to check junk email folders regularly in case an email is directed there by your server; please also ‘whitelist’ our domain name – if you are uncertain how to do this, please refer to your email provider.

Rosebery School has to admit any student who is allocated a place at the school through the appeals process, or according to the local Fair Access Protocol, and any such students take preference over the waiting list.

If you wish to contact Rosebery School's Admissions Officer, please email or get in touch by telephone (01372 720439).