Rosebery School Uniform & PE Kit
At Rosebery we are proud of our distinctive uniform and are clear that school uniform plays a key role in promoting pride, self-confidence and a feeling of belonging for all pupils. Our uniform therefore underpins the Rosebery Way and our vision of ambition and joy for all.
Indeed, The Schoolwear Association suggest that these factors can contribute to a student’s wellbeing. A uniform avoids highlighting points of difference between one child and another which can be amplified by socio-economic disparities between one pupil’s family and another. A uniform limits this risk, removes the additional pressures of deciding what to wear each day, reduces the added stress of meeting the expectations of peers – and makes life easier for parents and carers.
Ultimately, uniform plays a small, but significant role, in ensuring our students can focus on their learning and flourish academically.
The links below outline, describe and illustrate our expectations with regard to school uniform and the Rosebery PE kit.
Main School Uniform
School Shoe Guidance
PE Kit
Please be aware that, as per our Behaviour and Rewards Policy, pupils arriving to school in non-uniform items will have said items confiscated, or in more extreme cases be asked to go home to change and that within the guidance below, a decision about what is and is not acceptable will always rest with the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team.
School Uniform Illustration
PE Kit Illustration
Stevensons - Official Uniform Provider
School uniform can be purchased online from our supplier Stevensons (Lester Bowden), by clicking here. You will need to register for this service. There is a home delivery service and a free collection service from the Lester Bowden store in Epsom.
* Supplier – Stevensons (Lester Bowden) in Epsom High Street Tel. 01372 747474
Please note that due to ongoing developments in the Red Sea area impacting the shipment of certain goods it is advisable to order uniform from Stevensons sooner rather than later to avoid any potential delivery delays.
Please click here for the latest Rosebery School uniform price list.